Key features of WebdriverIO Waits | LambdaTest

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Check out this video to learn the key features of WebdriverIO waits. Don’t miss these essential tips for mastering WebdriverIO! :movie_camera::sparkles:

#WebdriverIO #AutomationTesting #TechTips

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Thanks for sharing. Informative !

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When I started working with web automation, I quickly realized the importance of using different types of waits to handle dynamic web pages. Here’s a quick overview of the three main types of waits I use in my projects:

Implicit Waits

  • Global Timeout: This applies to all element searches, making it a handy default setting to ensure your tests don’t fail due to elements not being immediately available.

  • Usage:

browser.setTimeout({ implicit: 10000 });

Explicit Waits Condition-Specific: These waits are perfect when you need to wait for specific conditions like an element’s visibility or clickability. They give you more control over your tests.


const element = $('#some-element');
element.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 5000 });
element.waitForClickable({ timeout: 5000 });

Custom Waits Custom Logic: Sometimes, you need to wait for custom conditions that go beyond the standard options. This is where custom waits shine, allowing you to define exactly what you’re waiting for.


browser.waitUntil(() => {
    return $('#some-element').getText() === 'Expected Text';
}, {
    timeout: 10000,
    timeoutMsg: 'expected text to be different after 10s'

In my experience, mastering these waits has significantly improved the reliability and robustness of my automated tests. I hope you find these examples as useful as I have!

WebdriverIO supports testing across different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

capabilities: [{
    browserName: 'chrome'
}, {
    browserName: 'firefox'

Integration with Test Frameworks : Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with popular test frameworks like Mocha, Jasmine, and Cucumber.

framework: 'mocha',
mochaOpts: {
    ui: 'bdd',
    timeout: 60000

Page Object Pattern : Maintainable Code: Supports the Page Object Model (POM) for better code organization and maintainability.

class LoginPage {
    get username() { return $('#username'); }
    get password() { return $('#password'); }
    get submit() { return $('#submit'); }

    login (username, password) {

Advanced Selectors: Variety of Selectors: Supports advanced selectors like CSS, Xpath, link text, and custom selectors.

const element = $('div.classname');  // CSS Selector
const element = $('//div[@class="classname"]');  // Xpath Selector

In my experience, WebdriverIO waits are essential for ensuring reliable and stable automated tests by managing timing issues effectively.

Key Features of WebdriverIO Waits:

Implicit Waits: WebdriverIO can be configured to wait for a certain amount of time for elements to appear before throwing an error. This is useful for ensuring that elements are available before interacting with them.


browser.setTimeout({ 'implicit': 5000 });

Explicit Waits: WebdriverIO allows for explicit waits using commands like waitForExist, waitForDisplayed, waitForEnabled, etc. These waits are used to pause the test execution until a specific condition is met.


const element = $('#elementId');
element.waitForExist({ timeout: 5000 });

Custom Waits: You can create custom wait commands to wait for specific conditions that are not covered by built-in waits. This allows for greater flexibility in managing complex test scenarios.


browser.waitUntil(() => {
    return $('#elementId').isDisplayed();
}, {
    timeout: 5000,
    timeoutMsg: 'Element was not displayed after 5s'

Fluent Waits: WebdriverIO supports chaining of wait commands, which allows for a more readable and concise syntax when waiting for multiple conditions.



These wait features in WebdriverIO provide robust mechanisms to manage the timing issues in automated tests, ensuring your tests are stable and less prone to failures due to timing issues.