Join Panel Discussion on Removing Interrupts from End-to-End Test Automation | Testμ 2023

Learn different advanced strategies for seamless end-to-end test automation. :rocket:

Tune in to this insightful panel discussion and discover strategies for seamless end-to-end test automation.

Learn from our visionary Founders, CPOs, and CXOs from leading SaaS platforms on how to eliminate bottlenecks and optimize your testing workflow. :100:

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If you have already registered and up for the session, feel free to post your questions in the thread below :point_down:

During this panel discussion, some of the questions that attendees raised around end-to-end test automation are:

Any suggestions how to include manual testing in the process along with CI/CD pipelines in the best way?

Could you share examples of specific interruptions you’ve successfully eliminated, and how these refinements contributed to a more seamless and accurate testing process?

Can you elaborate on the strategies you’ve adopted to enhance test stability, minimize false positives, and create a consistent testing environment that supports continuous integration and delivery?

I see the biggest challenges in the way that the whole team including the developers and the product manager should own the quality. This is not just the tester’s job. How to explain this to PM in the best way?

What strategies or techniques can be adopted to minimize the impact of interrupts on end-to-end test automation and ensure smooth test execution?

How can accessibility testing ensure performance isn’t effected?

Innovation often comes from overcoming adversity. Could each of you share a time when your organization faced a significant challenge in test automation and how it drove you to innovate or pivot your strategy?

Hi there,

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As an active member of this session, I want to share my thoughts on manual testing in CI/CD pipelines.

Manual testing in CI/CD pipelines effectively, consider these steps:

1. Define Clear Testing Objectives: Clearly outline what aspects require manual testing, like UI/UX, exploratory, or ad-hoc testing.

2. Automate What You Can: Automate repetitive and predictable tests to speed up the process.

3. Continuous Communication: Maintain open communication between development, testing, and operations teams.

4. Parallel Testing: Conduct manual tests in parallel with automated ones, ensuring faster feedback.

5. Test Environment Management: Manage test environments efficiently to avoid bottlenecks.

6. Documentation: Ensure detailed documentation of test cases, execution steps, and issues found.

7. Feedback Loop: Create a feedback loop to address issues promptly.

8. CI/CD Integration: Utilize tools and integrations that support manual testing within CI/CD pipelines.

9. Monitoring and Reporting: Implement monitoring for test execution and report generation.

10. Training: Keep the testing team updated with the latest skills and technologies.

The goal is to strike a balance between automation and manual testing to achieve comprehensive test coverage while maintaining agility in your CI/CD pipeline.

Hope this answers the query. Happy manual testing


As an active participant in this session, I’d like to share my thoughts on your query.

Here are some examples of interruptions we’ve eliminated:

  1. Automating Environment Setup: We removed delays by automating test environment provisioning with Terraform.
  2. Data Automation: We streamlined data preparation with automated scripts for quicker and more accurate testing.
  3. Real-time Reporting: Integrating testing tools with reporting platforms eliminated reporting bottlenecks.
  4. Containerization: Docker and Kubernetes helped create on-demand test environments, reducing downtime.
  5. Script Maintenance: Version control and CI/CD pipelines ensured reliable scripts in changing app environments.

Hope this gives you an idea of what steps you can eliminate that can help you contribute to having a more seamless and accurate testing process.


I was actively involved in this session, and I’m excited to share my thoughts on your query

Here are some strategies we’ve adopted:

  1. Isolation: We isolate tests to ensure they don’t interfere with each other, minimizing false positives.

  2. Test Data Management: We maintain consistent, clean datasets for testing, reducing data-related issues.

  3. Continuous Monitoring: Constantly monitoring test results helps identify and address flaky tests promptly.

  4. Environment Management: Using containerization, we create reproducible environments for tests.

  5. Feedback Loops: Quick feedback to developers allows fixing issues early in the CI/CD pipeline.

  6. Test Data Refresh: Regularly refreshing test data prevents data-related failures.

  7. Test Retry Mechanism: We implement a retry mechanism for flaky tests, reducing false positives.

  8. Code Reviews: Peer reviews of test code ensure stability and consistency.

These strategies collectively contribute to stable and reliable testing in our CI/CD environment.


As an active participant, I would like to respond to you on behalf of the speakers

Quality is a shared responsibility that impacts customer satisfaction, speed to market, risk reduction, team collaboration, market competitiveness, cost efficiency, data-driven decisions, and compliance with industry standards.

By framing the importance of quality in these terms, you can help the Product Manager understand that everyone’s involvement in ensuring quality is not just a matter of testing but a critical aspect of product success.

Hope this answers your question.


To minimize the impact of interrupts on end-to-end test automation and ensure smooth test execution, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Use dedicated test environments.
  2. Schedule tests during low-activity periods.
  3. Implement automated notifications and error handling.
  4. Foster collaboration and maintain clear documentation.

Hope this answers your question


I would like to add my point of view to answer this query on behalf of the speaker.

Accessibility testing, while not directly impacting performance, can indirectly support it. By focusing on optimized code, progressive enhancement, and using testing tools, you can ensure that accessibility improvements don’t negatively affect performance. Include accessibility checks in your CI/CD pipeline for continuous monitoring.

Hello there,

Since I actively engaged in this informative session, I’m excited to provide insights on behalf of the speaker.

Facing adversity in test automation can lead to innovation. Share examples of significant challenges your organization faced and how they prompted innovative or strategic changes in your test automation approach.