Is there a way to customize NUnit report formats further?

Is there a way to customize NUnit report formats further?

Hi Shashank,

Yes, you can customize report formats by using different NUnit extensions available for reporting, or by manipulating the XML output using XSLT to create custom report styles.

For more details, check the below article:


NUnit provides various command-line options that allow you to customize the format and content of the test result output.

For example, you can use the --result option to specify an output file in XML format and then process this XML using custom scripts or tools to generate NUnit reports in different formats.

To customize NUnit reports, you can:

  • You can create a custom test listener by implementing the EventListener interface provided by NUnit.
  • This listener can capture events during test execution, such as test start, test finish, and assertion results.
  • Use this listener to generate custom reports by formatting the captured data according to your requirements and writing it to an output file or stream.