Is it possible take screenshots on a server without a GUI using Python screenshots?

Can I take screenshots on a server without a graphical user interface (GUI) using Python screenshots?


Yes, you can capture server screenshots using Python, even on a headless server without a graphical interface. It’s a handy trick for tasks like automated testing or web scraping. You’ll need a library called Selenium, which allows you to control web browsers and set it to run in headless mode, meaning it operate without displaying a visible browser window.

Once you’ve set up Selenium with a headless web driver (like headless Chrome), you can navigate to websites and take screenshots just like you would on a regular computer. It’s a fantastic way to automate tasks and gather data on a server.

To know more about how you can take screenshots on Python, follow this blog below:

If you have any more questions or need help with the specifics, feel free to ask!