Integrating Cypress with Azure Devops Pipeline Test Results


I’m trying to integrate LambdaTest with Azure DevOps so that it runs our Cypress automated tests nightly.

I followed the instructions listed here - How To Run Cypress Tests In Azure DevOps Pipeline | LambdaTest, and it does succeed in starting the process and returning a url to view the run and the results on LambdaTest.

However, I would like to integrate the results of the run with the pipeline itself.

Previously we were running Selenium tests in the same manner, and that used to work by exporting the results via a junit reporter, and then adding the

      - task: PublishTestResults@2  

Task to have everything work.

However this does not seem to work with lambdatest-cypress run. Additionally this returns successfully immediately - so the pipeline doesn’t fail if any of the tests fail, limiting our visibility.