Implementing "Stealth" in Puppeteer Sharp

How to implement “stealth” in Puppeteer Sharp with the keyword “puppeteer stealth”?


Hey Neha,

Adding the stealth plugin to puppeteer-sharp in C# may not be as straightforward as in the NodeJS version. However, there is a C# port of the puppeteer-extra available, which is compatible with puppeteer-sharp. You can find it at GitHub - Overmiind/Puppeteer-sharp-extra: Plugin framework for PuppeteerSharp. To implement “stealth” in Puppeteer Sharp with the keyword “puppeteer stealth,” you would need to incorporate this ported version of puppeteer-extra into your C# project. This involves adding the necessary dependencies and configuring your project to utilize the stealth functionality.


Not to forget Puppeteer-Stealth plugin integration is a must-have for a secure browsing experience. You can easily integrate Puppeteer and the Stealth plugin into your script with the following code snippet:

using PuppeteerSharp;
using PuppeteerSharp.Extra;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // Launch browser with stealth options
        var browser = await PuppeteerExtraLaunchOptions.Default().UseStealthAsync().LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions
            Headless = true // Set to false for debugging

        // Continue with your Puppeteer script...

        // Close the browser
        await browser.CloseAsync();

This code demonstrates how to launch a Puppeteer browser instance with the Stealth plugin enabled. Additionally, you can customize other launch options according to your requirements, such as setting the browser to headless mode for automated tasks. Remember to handle any exceptions and ensure proper resource management, such as closing the browser instance after use.


Well, another approach to implementing “stealth” in Puppeteer Sharp is by manually configuring the browser to mimic human behavior and avoid detection. This involves setting various browser options, such as user agent rotation, viewport manipulation, and handling browser fingerprinting techniques. While this method offers more control over the stealth settings, it requires a deeper understanding of web scraping and browser automation techniques. Additionally, you can explore other Puppeteer-extra plugins and extensions specifically designed for enhancing stealth capabilities in Puppeteer Sharp. These plugins may offer additional features and optimizations to further improve your scraping or automation tasks while maintaining a low profile.