I want to access HTML codes with app testing. With UI Inspector I cant find the HTML coding?

I want to access HTML codes with app testing. With UI Inspector I cant find the HTML coding ?

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Hello there,

You can only get the HTML coding with browser testing as that’s not supported with App testing,

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Certainly! If you’re facing difficulty finding HTML codes using the UI Inspector during app testing, here are a few steps to guide you:

  1. Inspect Element:

    • Right-click on the element you want to inspect in your application.
    • Choose the “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” option from the context menu.
    • This will open the browser’s Developer Tools, where you can view and analyze the HTML structure.
  2. Browser Developer Tools:

    • Navigate to the “Elements” tab in the Developer Tools.
    • Here, you’ll find the HTML code corresponding to the selected element.
    • You can explore the HTML hierarchy, styles, and even make temporary edits for testing purposes.
  3. Use of Accessibility Tools:

    • Some browsers provide accessibility tools within their Developer Tools.
    • Look for features like “Accessibility Tree” or “Accessibility Inspector” to get a more structured view of the HTML and its accessibility properties.
  4. Inspecting Within the App Testing Tool:

    • If you’re using a specific app testing tool, check for built-in features for inspecting HTML.
    • Look for options like “View Source” or “Inspect Element” within the testing tool itself.
  5. Explore Alternate Tools:

    • If the UI Inspector is not providing the required details, consider using browser extensions or third-party tools.
    • Tools like ‘SelectorGadget’ or ‘XPath Helper’ can assist in identifying and extracting HTML elements.
  6. Documentation and Support:

    • Refer to the documentation of the app testing tool you’re using. It might provide specific guidelines on inspecting HTML elements.
    • Seek support from the tool’s community or forums if you encounter challenges. Others may have faced similar issues and can offer insights.

Remember, the process may vary slightly depending on the browser and testing tool you’re using. By combining these steps and exploring different avenues, you should be able to access and analyze the HTML codes effectively during your app testing. here are some great places to learn HTML: 1. W3 School 2. Iqra Technology 3. JavaPoint