I am getting Session Not Created Exception. 400. Platform Name is missing

org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response code 400. Message: platform name is missing in the capabilities Driver info: io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver desiredCapabilities=Capabilities {accessKey: p1xyQltWLZknN…, app: lt://APP10160241051…, autoGrantPermissions: true, build: Local-Execution_12-L-5CD223…, deviceName: Galaxy S23, isRealMobile: true, network: false, platformName: ANDROID, platformVersion: 13.0, sessionName: Nykaa_Preview_Bottom_Sheet_…, url: https://mukul2:p1xyQltWLZkn…, user: mukul2}}] Capabilities {}

These same capabilities when i run from appium inspector by connecting lambdatest will run fine. But when i try to use this same caps in my framework it is giving that platform name is missing and as you can see it is giving platform name correctly in caps. Please help me on this…

Please try with

“platformName”: “android”

tried but getting same error. And 1 thing when i added “android” then also in exception it is giving as “ANDROID” not “android” in platformName.

Please help to resolve this. Am facing this

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I find myself integrating lambda Test, with java, selenium, testng and the same problem appears.

Some solution will have been created.

@jsandovalbice Any solution for this facing same issue?

is there any solution on that facing the same issue : session not created.

Hi @maharshi.banerjee @q79478746
Please share the capabilities you are passing

facing same issue, please share the solution

I’m having the same issue here. Any solution for this problem?

Hi There,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Basically you need to pass the capabilities as per the W3C protocol as suggested on our capability generator page - Automation Capabilities Generator For Selenium and Appium | LambdaTest

For eg:

If you select- Appium , and Java TestNG as your framework the capabilities would be like :

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
**HashMap<String, Object> ltOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();**
**ltOptions.put("w3c", true);**
**ltOptions.put("platformName", "android");**
**ltOptions.put("deviceName", "Pixel 3");**
**ltOptions.put("platformVersion", "9");**
**ltOptions.put("isRealMobile", true);**
**capabilities.setCapability("lt:options", ltOptions);**

Please try it this way and add the capabilities as per your framework and let us know.