HyperExecute Test Scenario Status: Completed but Tests Marked as Ignored - Why?

I am running HyperExecute tests and I want to know why the status of scenario is marked as completed though test is getting marked as ignored?

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Hello Brett,

In HyperExecute scenarios, the overall scenario status is marked “completed” when all individual test cases in the scenario have a “Passed”, “Ignored,” “Skipped” or “Unknown” status.

However, if there are test cases marked “failed” (or “error”) in the scenario, the total scenario status is set to “failed.”

To put it another way, if a test case encounters an error that results in a “failure” (or error), it overrides the total scenario status to report the failure.

On the other hand, if all the test cases execute successfully (or are explicitly marked as “Ignored”), Skipped, or “Unknown,” the scenario is considered “completed.

This behavior provides a granular view of the scenario outcome highlighting the impact of each test case on the entire test suite.

Review and address failed or error prone test cases in a scenario to guarantee accurate reporting of the total test execution status.

Thank you for your inquiry! We’re always happy to help, so don’t hesitate to ask more.