How visual testing for mobile applications work?

How visual testing for mobile applications work?

Hi Dipen,

When a developer creates test cases for visual testing, they are basically writing code that imitates what a real user does, like tapping buttons or swiping on mobile screens. They also take screenshots at important moments to capture how things look after a specific action.

In the first test, these screenshots are used as a reference to compare against any changes made to the code. If someone modifies the code, a new screenshot is taken. The test then compares this new screenshot to the original one to find any visual changes. If there are visual differences, the test fails.

Once all the code is tested, a test report is generated. The developer then examines these new screenshots, compares them to the baseline, and tries to figure out what’s causing the difference. If it’s a bug, they will fix it and run the same tests again. If it’s an intentional change in the user interface, like replacing one screen with another, they will create a new baseline screenshot and update the test accordingly.

Because this process can be a bit tedious, testers often use automated visual testing tools to manage and automate the visual testing for mobile apps.

Learn more how to perform visual testing of mobile apps: