How to write the first Cypress test with live examples?

How to write the first Cypress test with live examples?

To write your first test case in Cypress, start by installing Cypress using npm or yarn. Once installed, create a new folder for your Cypress tests and open it in your preferred code editor. Inside the folder, create a new JavaScript file, such as “first_test.js”. In this file, import Cypress using the require or import statement.

Next, use the Cypress commands to interact with your application. For example, you can use the cy.visit() command to navigate to a specific URL, cy.get() to select and interact with elements on the page, and cy.contains() to search for specific text. Write your test case using these commands to describe the behavior you want to test.

For instance, a simple test case could be to verify that the login functionality works correctly. You can use cy.visit() to navigate to the login page, cy.get() to select the username and password input fields, and cy.contains() to locate the login button. Then, use cy.type() to input valid credentials into the fields and to click the login button. Finally, use cy.url() to assert that the user is redirected to the expected page after logging in.

Once you have written your test case, save the file and return to your terminal. Run Cypress using the command npx cypress open to launch the Cypress Test Runner. Select your test file from the Cypress Test Runner window and click on it to run your test case. Cypress will open a browser window and execute your test case, providing real-time feedback on the results.

Please refer to this blog to learn more:


You can follow the below steps:

  1. Install Cypress: First, you need to install Cypress in your project. Open your terminal and run: npm install cypress --save-dev

  2. Set Up Cypress: After installation, open Cypress by running: npx cypress open

This will create a cypress folder in your project with the necessary structure and example tests.

  1. Create a Test File: Inside the cypress/integration directory, create a new file named form_test.js.

  2. Write Your First Test: In the form_test.js file, write the following test code:

describe('Form Submission Test', () => {
  it('should submit the form successfully', () => {
    // Visit the application URL

    // Fill out the form
    cy.get('input[name="name"]').type('John Doe');
    cy.get('textarea[name="message"]').type('This is a test message.');

    // Submit the form

    // Assert that the form was submitted successfully
    cy.get('.success-message').should('contain', 'Form submitted successfully!');
  1. Run the Test: Save the file and return to the Cypress Test Runner. Select the form_test.js file and run the test. Cypress will automatically launch a browser, navigate to the specified URL, fill out the form, submit it, and verify the success message.

This example demonstrates a basic form submission test, covering navigation, form interaction, and assertion steps.


Check out the below steps:

  1. Begin by installing Cypress in your project. Open your terminal and run:

npm install cypress --save-dev 2. After installing, open Cypress by executing: npx cypress open

  1. Create a New Test File In the cypress/integration folder, create a new file called login_test.js.

  2. Write the Test Case: In login_test.js, write the following test case for testing user authentication:

describe('Login Functionality Test', () => {
  it('should log in with valid credentials', () => {
    // Visit the login page

    // Enter username

    // Enter password

    // Click the login button

    // Assert that the user is redirected to the dashboard
    cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard');

    // Verify that the welcome message is displayed
    cy.contains('Welcome, validUsername').should('be.visible');

  it('should display an error with invalid credentials', () => {
    // Visit the login page

    // Enter invalid username

    // Enter invalid password

    // Click the login button

    // Assert that an error message is displayed
    cy.get('.error-message').should('contain', 'Invalid username or password');
  1. Execute the Test : Save the login_test.js file and go back to the Cypress Test Runner. Select the test file and execute it. Cypress will launch a browser, navigate to the login page, perform the login actions, and validate the outcomes.

This example includes two test cases: one for a successful login and another for an unsuccessful login attempt, demonstrating different scenarios in user authentication.