How to share the test execution video?

I want to share the test execution video, from the executed automation test. Can I do that? If yes, how?


Hey @devan-skeem

Yes, you can share your test execution video.

To do so, you need to build a URL in the proper structure and share it. The correct syntax for the URL is:{testid/sessionid}?auth={AUTH_TOKEN}

In the above URL syntax, there are 2 variables to be filled:

  • TestID/SessionID: To get your TestID/SessionID, go to the Automation Dashboard, and click on the test whose TestID/SessionID is required. Once the test results are open, you can see the TestID/SessionID.

  • AUTH_TOKEN: The AUTH_TOKEN or Authentication Token is created with the help of MD5.

Refer to this support documentation to learn about it in detail:

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Thanks @rishabhps…


Hi, I tried to get share link, but always got message “Unauthorized. The request requires valid accessToken”. I generate AUTH_TOKEN using the following:

MessageDigest m=MessageDigest.getInstance(“MD5”); String s = “username:access_key”; m.update(s.getBytes(),0,s.length()); System.out.println("MD5: "+new BigInteger(1,m.digest()).toString(16));

and replace username to my user name and access_key to my access key, but still no lock. Do you have any idea? Thanks

Hi Devan,

Yes, you can share the test execution video by clicking on this below link:

You can click and create a shareable link. Let me know if you have any followup questions.
