How to Scroll to an Element in Playwright
Hi Darran,
In Playwright, you can scroll to an element using the scrollIntoView
method. Here’s an example in JavaScript:
const element = await page.locator('your-selector'); // Replace 'your-selector' with the actual selector of your element
await element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Scrolls to the element if it's not already in view
This code retrieves the specified element using a selector and then scrolls it into view if it’s not already visible. Adjust the selector according to your specific element.
Note: The scrollIntoViewIfNeeded
method is useful to avoid unnecessary scrolling if the element is already in the view.
You can learn more about this trhough this blog:
Using Page Evaluate Handle Scroll Method: This method uses Playwright’s page.evaluateHandle function to execute JavaScript code in the context of the browser. The provided function scrolls the specified element into view using the scrollIntoView method.
page.evaluateHandle((element) => { element.scrollIntoView(); }, element)
Using Page Evaluate Method with ScrollIntoView Function: This method uses Playwright’s page.evaluate function to execute JavaScript code in the context of the browser. The provided function scrolls the element matching the specified selector into view using the scrollIntoView method.
page.evaluate((selector) => { document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView(); }, selector)