How to run parallel tests using Appium Ruby-Rspec?

How to run parallel tests using Appium Ruby-Rspec?

You can refer to the sample code snippet below which you can also find on our support page:

In parallel.config.yml

server: ""
user: "LT_USERNAME"  #Add your LambdaTest username here
key: "LT_ACCESS_KEY"  #Add your LambdaTest accessKey here

  "build": "RSpec Parallel"
  "visual": false
  "network": false
  "console": false

    "isRealMobile": "true"
    "platform": "Android"
    "deviceName": "Galaxy A31"
    "platformVersion": "10"
    "app": "APP_URL"   #Add the app url here
    "isRealMobile": "true"
    "platform": "Android"
    "deviceName": "Galaxy A32"
    "platformVersion": "11"
    "app": "APP_URL"   #Add the app url here
    "isRealMobile": "true"
    "platform": "iOS"
    "deviceName": "iPhone 13 Pro"
    "platformVersion": "15.0"
    "app": "APP_URL"   #Add the app url here