How to replace all occurrences of "abc" in a JavaScript string?

How can I replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript? Given the string: string = “Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test ABC”; This method only removes the first occurrence of “abc” in the string: string = string.replace(‘abc’, ‘’); How do I replace all occurrences of it using JavaScript replace all?

Hello Sndhu and All,

Another approach to replace all occurrences of a substring in JavaScript is by using the split() and join() methods. This method splits the string into an array and then joins it back with the desired replacement. Here’s an example:


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let string = "Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test ABC";
string = string.split('abc').join(''); // Replaces all occurrences of 'abc'

This technique offers a simple and efficient way to replace all instances of a substring in JavaScript.

Hey Sndhu,

I hope you are doing well, Here is the Answer:-

An effective alternative for replacing all occurrences of a substring in a string is to utilize the split() and join() methods. This approach involves splitting the string into an array based on the substring you want to replace, and then rejoining the elements of that array into a new string with the desired replacement.

Here’s how you can do it:

let string = "Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test ABC";
string = string.split('abc').join(''); // Removes all occurrences of 'abc'

In this example, the string is divided at each instance of 'abc', resulting in an array of segments. The join('') method then merges these segments back into a single string, effectively removing all instances of the specified substring.

Using split() and join() is a simple yet powerful way to replicate the replaceAll functionality in JavaScript, providing clarity and flexibility in string manipulation.

Feel free to adjust any part of it to match your voice or style!


As of ECMAScript 2021, you can now use the String.prototype.replaceAll() method to replace all occurrences of a specified substring in a string without the need for regular expressions. Here’s an example:

let string = "Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test ABC";
string = string.replaceAll('abc', ''); // Removes all occurrences of 'abc'

This method is straightforward, making the code clean and easy to read. It’s the most efficient and modern approach to replacing all instances of a substring across supported JavaScript environments, providing better clarity than using regular expressions or older methods.