How to remove multiple file from cypress

I am getting below-mentioned error. Can anyone have a solution:

[STARTED] Task without title. [TITLE] Verified Cypress! E:\lambda-node-remote-client\cypress-binary\9.6.0\Cypress [SUCCESS] Verified Cypress! E:\lambda-node-remote-client\cypress-binary\9.6.0\Cypress Opening Cypress… There is both a cypress.json and a cypress.config.js at the location below:

E:\lambda-node-remote-client\e26e24fa-061b-4399-b672-62b882c7863e\project Cypress does not know which one to read for config. Please remove one of the two and try again.

API curl curl --location --request GET ‘’ --header ‘Authorization: Basic cGF0ZWxhbmlzaDE2MDk6NWd4TXVOSW96TGYxRGp5bEQ2VFQwb2pteW12bFUyOEFvVEtqem5DcUFsTWxZYzd5M1U=’ > console-1LWSS-UVCJ1-GNUUC-3IDUD.json

Hi There,

As per the error message, it looks like you are on Cypress 9.6.0 which uses cypress.json I would request you to remove cypress.config.js as that is used for cypress 10 and above