How to read file content in Cypress?

How to read file content in Cypress?

Hey Tim,

I hope you are doing well, I would like to share with you some information about your query and also will share some resources for further reference.

So basically, Cypress simplifies reading file content through the cy.readFile() command, making it straightforward to validate file content in your tests. This command enables you to effortlessly read the content of a file and perform various assertions or validations, enhancing the ease of testing file-related functionalities in Cypress.

To know how to upload or download a file using Cypress, follow this guide below

Hello Tim,

So basically, Cypress simplifies reading file content through the cy.readFile() command, making it straightforward to validate file content in your tests. This command enables you to effortlessly read the content of a file and perform various assertions or validations, enhancing the ease of testing file-related functionalities in Cypress.

To know how to upload or download a file using Cypress, follow this guide below, And Also Please let me know if you need further help

Hello tim,

You can clearly make use of cy.readFile() method, this method provides the cy.readFile() command to read the content of a file. You can use this command in your test to read a file and then perform assertions on its content. For example:

provides the cy.readFile() command to read the content of a file. You can use this command in your test to read a file and then perform assertions on its content. For example:

Hey tim,

Hope you are doing well, I personally use Node.js File System Module since Cypress tests run in a Node.js environment, you can also use Node.js modules like fs (File System) to read files. However, you need to ensure the file paths are correct relative to the project directory. For example:

const fs = require(‘fs’); fs.readFile(‘path/to/file.txt’, ‘utf8’, (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; // Perform assertions on ‘data’ });

Hope this helps :slight_smile: