How to perform functional testing?

How to perform functional testing?

Hey Ana,

its been great to see you again , well with my learning experience you can perform functional testing by identify the functional requirements, design test cases that cover various scenarios, execute the tests by providing inputs and evaluating outputs, and compare the actual and expected results. Use testing techniques like black-box testing or white-box testing as appropriate.

learn more about how you can perform functional testing in details and other core aspect about functional testing follow this guide and get detailed insights.

Hi, it’s great to see you again! From my learning experience, you can perform functional testing by identifying the functional requirements, designing test cases that cover various scenarios, executing the tests by providing inputs and evaluating outputs, and comparing the actual and expected results. Use testing techniques like black-box testing or white-box testing as appropriate.

For more details on how you can perform functional testing and other core aspects, follow this guide for in-depth insights: Functional Testing Guide.

Adding to what Netra mentioned, with my experience, one effective technique is Boundary Value Analysis (BVA). This involves testing the boundaries of input ranges. For example, if a function accepts values from 1 to 100, you would test it with values like 0, 1, 2, 99, 100, and 101 to ensure it behaves correctly at the boundaries. This helps catch edge cases that might not be evident with regular input values.

That’s a great point, Dipen. From my years in testing, another valuable technique is Equivalence Partitioning. This divides the input domain into classes or partitions and selects representative values from each partition as test cases. For example, if an input field accepts values from 1 to 100, you would choose one value from 1 to 33, one from 34 to 66, and one from 67 to 100 to represent each partition. This method ensures that each segment of the input range is tested effectively, reducing the number of test cases while still covering all possible scenarios.