How to modify user-agent in Chrome for automated web testing using Appium on LambdaTest

How to modify user-agent in Chrome for automated web testing using Appium on LambdaTest ?

Not only user-agent, you can add custom hеadеrs to your tеsts and bypass firеwall rеstrictions using the customHeaders capability of LambdaTest.

Create a Map and add the custom headers (e.g. user-agent ) and integrate it into ltOptions (used for LambdaTest configuration).

Shown below is an example for iOS (Appium 2.x):

/* Retrieve keys from */
String userName = System.getenv("LT_USERNAME") == null ? "LT_USERNAME" : System.getenv("LT_USERNAME");
String accessKey = System.getenv("LT_ACCESS_KEY") == null ? "LT_ACCESS_KEY" : System.getenv("LT_ACCESS_KEY");
String grid_url = System.getenv("LT_GRID_URL") == null ? "" : System.getenv("LT_GRID_URL");

private IOSDriver driver;

public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException
   /* Appium 2.x */
   DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
   HashMap<String, Object> ltOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   ltOptions.put("build", "Build Name");
   ltOptions.put("name", "Name");
   ltOptions.put("w3c", true);
   ltOptions.put("platformName", "iOS");
   ltOptions.put("deviceName", "iPhone 13*");
   ltOptions.put("platformVersion", "15");
   ltOptions.put("isRealMobile", true);

   ltOptions.put("network", false);
   ltOptions.put("visual", true);
   ltOptions.put("devicelog", true);
   ltOptions.put("autoAcceptAlerts", true);
   ltOptions.put("network", true);

   /* Browser Combination */
   ltOptions.put("browserName", "Safari");
   ltOptions.put("browserVersion", "latest");

   /* Setup custom header - user agent in this case */
   final Map<String, String> CUSTOM_HEADERS_VALUES = new HashMap<>() {{
       put("user-agent", "custom-user-agent");

   ltOptions.put("customHeaders", CUSTOM_HEADERS_VALUES);

   capabilities.setCapability("lt:options", ltOptions);

   String hub = "https://" + userName + ":" + accessKey + "@" + grid_url + "/wd/hub";
   /* Appium 1.x*/
   /* driver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(hub), capabilities); */

   /* Appium 2.x */
   driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(hub), capabilities);

Here are the changes to set custom headers:

ltOptions.put("network", true);
final Map<String, String> CUSTOM_HEADERS_VALUES = new HashMap<>()
      put("user-agent", "custom-user-agent");

ltOptions.put("customHeaders", CUSTOM_HEADERS_VALUES);

Once you have modified the headers (e.g. browser user-agent in this case), navigate to the website to verify if the user-agent modification is successful or not.

For more information, please visit Custom Headers Capability documentation on LambdaTest.