How to launch a pre-installed application without switching context(s)?

How to launch a pre-installed application without switching context(s)?

Hey Heena,

To launch a pre-installed application without switching contexts, you can use the IPAName and bundleID capabilities for the app during the session creation.

With this change, you could execute everything in the Native App (i.e., Outlook) context. The capability is available for private, as well as, public devices.

For iOS, you can use the following capabilities:

ltOptions.put("isRealMobile", true);
/* More capabilities */

/* Using IPAName and bundleID for iOS */
ltOptions.put("app", "stock");
ltOptions.put("IPAName", "stock");
ltOptions.put("bundleID", "");

For Android, the capabilities are:

appActivity="", appPackage="", app="stock"

If you are still unable to resolve your query, you can refer to the full support documentation on Public vs Private Cloud, which includes a list of capabilities for both cloud types. You can also reach out to us for complete support. :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy Testing! :rocket: