How to kill all parallel sessions for Realtime Browser testing?

Hi, While no one is using LamdbaTest, still sometimes it shows some parallel session is running. So, in this case, how can I kill any running parallel session?

Hey Ratnesh, Sometimes the session gets stuck when the users close the tab instead on ending the session. This results to tests to stuck and hence customers get the error of 1/1 parallel sessions are active. In such cases, we clear the stuck test and release the session manually from our end. We request you to please share your email so that we can reach out to you.

This is crazy. we need option to kill parallel sessions.

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We deeply regret inconvenience caused by the issue. We strives to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for our users, and we understand that its annoying when the session gets stuck. We will reach out to you on mail to talk more around the feature request raised

Is there any following up on this? We are new to Lambda and run into the same issue with the parallel session error. Like ghulianisikh mentioned, it’s crazy this exists, especially since you raised this problem yourself by limiting the plan to 1 session in the first place, which now makes the tool pretty much unusable.

Same problem here. There is a session still active and now I can’t run any other tests because of this issue. How do I kill the active session???

Same issue, ant i don’t close the tabs, the lambatest is freeze and close self , bad experience for our company, also with “yout phone number cannot be verify …try later…” happen just on lambdatest for me forr all devices with IOS 16 and older :frowning:

Same issue, which makes using LambdaTest very slow. Is there a particular way to exit from a test using one device without leaving the session open in order to access the next device?

Ah, found the relevant menu option: at the bottom below Settings is Switch, which does what we want.

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Found the same issue, is there any way i can open another session by closing the current running session


Let’s connect over email to discuss your issue.