How to integrate with LambdaTest with Java-Cucumber?
Hello Tim-khorev,
Make sure you have your LambdaTest credentials with you to run test automation scripts on LambdaTest Selenium Grid. Then set LambdaTest Username and Access Key in environment variables.
set LT_USERNAME="your lambdatest username" `
set LT_ACCESS_KEY="your lambdatest accesskey"
Alternatively, you can set it manually on your script. Please refer to the code snippet below:
String username = System.getenv("LT_USERNAME") == null ? "YOUR LT_USERNAME" : System.getenv("LT_USERNAME");
String accesskey = System.getenv("LT_ACCESS_KEY") == null ? "YOUR LT_ACCESS_KEY" : System.getenv("LT_ACCESS_KEY");
Copy the entire Hub from your LambdaTest Automation dashboard and paste it inside the double quotes below:
String gridURL = "https://" + username + ":" + accesskey + "";