How to install apps using custom app ID in Real Devices with Appium Cucumber on LambdaTest cloud?

Tell me how I can install apps using custom app ID in Real Devices with Appium Cucumber on LambdaTest cloud.

Hello Tom,

It’s possible to install apps using custom app ID in Real Devices with Appium Cucumber on LambdaTest cloud.

The capabilities object in the sample code are defined as:

server: ""

  "user": "username"
  "accessKey": "accesskey"
  "project": "First Cucumber Android Project"
  "build": "build-1"

    "platformName": "Android"
    "platformVersion": "9"
    "deviceName": "Galaxy S8 Plus"

    #Enter the Custom_ID here that was used to upload your application

    "name": "first_test"
    "isRealMobile": "true"

Please do download and use the given GitHub repo: