How to implement Page Object Model with Ruby Cucumber?

How to implement Page Object Model with Ruby Cucumber?

Hi Dipen,

To implement the Page Object Model (POM) in Ruby Cucumber, you can start by defining separate Ruby classes for each web page or component of your application. These classes represent the corresponding pages or components and encapsulate the related elements and actions within methods. Then, within your Cucumber step definitions, you can instantiate these page objects and use their methods to interact with the elements on the web pages. This approach promotes code reusability, maintainability, and readability by separating the page structure and behavior from the test logic. Additionally, you can utilize Cucumber tags to organize and manage your test scenarios effectively, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and facilitating collaboration among team members.

Please refer to this tutorial for more details:

With over a decade of experience in automation testing, I’ve found that starting with solid foundations in your framework design is crucial. To implement the Page Object Model (POM) with Ruby Cucumber, begin by defining page classes. Each Ruby class represents a different page of your application, encapsulating all interactions with the page elements. For instance, a LoginPage class would include methods for entering a username and password, and for clicking the login button. This approach helps in keeping your test code organized and reusable. Here’s a resource to deepen your understanding of cucumber testing using Selenium: LambdaTest Cucumber Testing.

Building on what Rima mentioned, integrating those page classes into Cucumber step definitions streamlines your tests and makes them more readable. I have implemented this in numerous projects over the years, and it significantly improves the maintenance and scalability of test suites. For example, in your Cucumber steps, you can instantiate and utilize the LoginPage class like this:

Given(/^I am on the login page$/) do
  @login_page =

When(/^I log in with username "(.*?)" and password "(.*?)"$/) do |username, password|

This method ensures that your tests remain clean and your code duplication is minimized. Learn more about Selenium automation with this guide: Selenium Testing with Cucumber Framework.

Echoing my colleagues’ points, maintaining a clear separation of concerns is key to a scalable and maintainable framework. With over 15 years in the field, I’ve seen that keeping your page classes dedicated solely to interactions with web elements, and separating them from test logic, enhances test clarity and maintainability. This design principle prevents any single part of the test code from becoming overly complex and hard to manage. Ensuring that each component of your test suite has a single responsibility will make your testing process much more efficient and error-resistant.