How to implement associative arrays or hashes in JavaScript?

How can I implement associative arrays or hashing in JavaScript?

I need to store some statistics using JavaScript similarly to how I would in C#. For example, in C# I might use:

Dictionary<string, int> statistics;
statistics["Foo"] = 10;
statistics["Goo"] = statistics["Goo"] + 1;
statistics.Add("Zoo", 1);

Is there a Hashtable or something equivalent to Dictionary<TKey, TValue> in JavaScript? Specifically, how can I store values in this manner using javascript hash?


In JavaScript, you can achieve a similar functionality to a C# dictionary by using plain objects as associative arrays. This allows you to store key-value pairs efficiently. Here’s an example of how it works:

let statistics = {};
statistics["Foo"] = 10;
statistics["Goo"] = (statistics["Goo"] || 0) + 1; // Safely incrementing the value
statistics["Zoo"] = 1;

In this case, statistics behaves like a hash table or dictionary, where the keys are strings (e.g., “Foo”, “Goo”, “Zoo”) and the values are integers. You can easily manipulate and access these values just like you would in a typical associative array. This is a simple and powerful way to manage data in JavaScript.

Let me know if you need more details!

Hello Isha! Great question about using the Map object in JavaScript.

The Map object indeed offers a more flexible and robust solution compared to basic JavaScript objects, especially when you need a reliable key-value structure that maintains insertion order and allows various data types as keys. Unlike standard objects, Map is optimized for frequent additions and deletions, making it particularly useful for scenarios involving dynamic data.

Here’s a quick example:

let statistics = new Map();
statistics.set("Foo", 10);
statistics.set("Goo", (statistics.get("Goo") || 0) + 1); // Safely incrementing, handling undefined values
statistics.set("Zoo", 1);

In this example, Map’s built-in methods make it easy to add, retrieve, and manage values without having to check for key existence manually. Its get method, as shown here, lets you safely handle undefined entries, making Map a preferred choice for scenarios that demand a reliable and well-organized collection of key-value pairs.

Hello everyone!

Using Object.create(null) is a great way to create an object that doesn’t inherit from Object.prototype. This approach helps prevent any default properties from conflicting with your keys, ensuring a clean dictionary-like structure. Here’s an example:

let statistics = Object.create(null);
statistics["Foo"] = 10;
statistics["Goo"] = (statistics["Goo"] || 0) + 1; // Safely incrementing
statistics["Zoo"] = 1; 

By using this method, you can avoid unintended property collisions and maintain a clean object tailored specifically to your needs.