How to handle login popups that appear in iframes?

How to handle login popups that appear in iframes?

Hi Priyanka Hans

I know handling anything present in an iframe can be challenging for automation testers. But with some Selenium methods usage, this can be handled very seamlessly.

If the login popup appears inside an iframe, we must first switch to the iframe to handle the same. For this, switchTo().frame() method of Selenium can be used. Once you are on the required frame, handle the login popup using the findElement() method to locate the WebElements and interact with them.

To learn more about how you can handle and perform authentication popups in Selenium, follow the blog below and get detailed insights.

Hello Priyanka,

Using JavaScriptExecutor to Handle iframes Steps: Execute JavaScript to switch: If WebDriver methods encounter issues, use JavascriptExecutor to switch focus directly. Identify iframe elements: Use JavaScript to locate iframe elements and execute necessary actions. Interact with popup elements: Perform operations such as entering credentials or submitting forms. Return to default content: Ensure switching back to the main content after completing iframe operations.

// Assuming ‘driver’ is your WebDriver instance JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; WebElement iframeElement = (WebElement) js.executeScript(“return document.getElementById(‘iframeId’);”); driver.switchTo().frame(iframeElement);

// Perform actions inside the iframe WebElement usernameField = driver.findElement(“username”)); usernameField.sendKeys(“yourUsername”);

WebElement passwordField = driver.findElement(“password”)); passwordField.sendKeys(“yourPassword”);

// After login, switch back to default content driver.switchTo().defaultContent();