How to handle Cookies when performing Selenium JUnit testing?

How to handle Cookies when performing Selenium JUnit testing?

Hi Ian!

In order to handle Cookies when performing Selenium JUnit testing, you will need to add the below code snippet into your automation scripts.

driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("cookieName", "lambdatest")); // Creates and adds the cookie

    Set<Cookie> cookiesSet = driver.manage().getCookies(); // Returns the List of all Cookies

    for (Cookie itemCookie : cookiesSet) {
        System.out.println((itemCookie.getName() + ";" + itemCookie.getValue() + ";" + itemCookie.getDomain() + ";"
                + itemCookie.getPath() + ";" + itemCookie.getExpiry() + ";" + itemCookie.isSecure()));

    driver.manage().getCookieNamed("cookieName"); // Returns the specific cookie according to name

    driver.manage().deleteCookie(driver.manage().getCookieNamed("cookieName")); // Deletes the specific cookie
    driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed("cookieName"); // Deletes the specific cookie according to the Name
    driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); // Deletes all the cookies

Here is the GitHub repo for the same

Hope this helps! :grinning: