How can I get session ID of a running test via script?
Hello Tim,
To get the session ID of a running test via script and start a remote browser with the desired capabilities, you can use the Selenium WebDriver library in JavaScript. Here’s an example using WebDriver and Node.js:
First, make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies:
npm install selenium-webdriver
Then, you can use the following script:
const { Builder } = require('selenium-webdriver');
// LambdaTest credentials
const LT_USERNAME = 'your_username';
const LT_ACCESS_KEY = 'your_access_key';
// Desired capabilities for LambdaTest
const capabilities = {
browserName: 'chrome', // or any other browser supported by LambdaTest
platform: 'win10', // or any other platform supported by LambdaTest
version: 'latest', // or any other browser version supported by LambdaTest
name: 'Your Test Name' // your test name
(async () => {
// Create Selenium WebDriver instance with LambdaTest capabilities
const driver = await new Builder()
try {
// Get session ID
const sessionId = await driver.getSession().getId();
console.log('Session ID:', sessionId);
// Perform your test actions here
} finally {
// Quit the driver
await driver.quit();
Replace ‘your_username’ and 'your_access_key’ with your actual LambdaTest username and access key. Adjust the desired capabilities according to your requirements.
I hope this helped.