How to explicitly use Booleans in Python?

How do I use a Boolean in Python?

Does Python have a Boolean value similar to other languages like Java? I know you can write something like this:

checker = 1
if checker:
    # do stuff

However, I’m quite pedantic and enjoy explicitly using booleans as in Java. For example:

Boolean checker;
if (someDecision) {
    checker = true;
if (checker) {
    // do some stuff

Is there a way to explicitly use a Boolean in Python? I can’t seem to find clear information about a Python boolean variable in the documentation.

With my years of coding, I’ve often come across scenarios requiring the explicit use of a Python boolean variable. Here’s a basic example:

checker = None  # Initialize the variable  

if some_decision:  
    checker = True  # Assign a boolean value  

if checker:  
    # Perform some action  

For reference, Python supports True and False as boolean values. Historically, integers (1 and 0) were often used for this purpose before the bool type was introduced. Check out the Python documentation for more details: Python bool docs.

Building on what @akanshasrivastava.1121 shared, you can also directly use the bool() function to handle values explicitly as a Python boolean variable. This ensures clarity in your intentions when working with truthy or falsy values:

value = some_value  # Replace with your logic  
checker = bool(value)  # Convert to a boolean explicitly  

if checker:  
    # Perform some action  

Using bool() makes your code more explicit and avoids potential ambiguities. It’s especially useful when you’re dealing with complex conditions or inputs that might need validation.

Adding to what @akanshasrivastava.1121 and @babitakumari explained, one thing I’ve found helpful in ensuring consistency is initializing the Python boolean variable with a default value. Here’s how I typically handle it:

checker = False  # Default to a boolean  

if some_decision:  
    checker = True  # Update based on a condition  

if checker:  
    # Perform some action  

This approach ensures that the variable is always a valid boolean, avoiding issues with None or other unintended values. It’s a simple yet effective way to adhere to good programming practices.