How to automate shadow DOM elements with Selenium?

How to automate shadow DOM elements with Selenium?

Hi Toby,

When attempting to locate Shadow DOM elements through Selenium locators, a NoSuchElementException is encountered since it is not directly reachable within the DOM.

To overcome this limitation, the following approaches can be employed to access Shadow DOM locators:

  1. Using the getShadowRoot() method of Selenium WebDriver.
  2. Employing JavaScriptExecutor for indirect access.

You can refer to the following blog, for more detail.

Hi Toby

When attempting to locate Shadow DOM elements through Selenium locators, a NoSuchElementException is encountered since it is not directly reachable within the DOM.

To overcome this limitation, the following approaches can be employed to access Shadow DOM locators:

  1. Using the getShadowRoot() method of Selenium WebDriver.
  2. Employing JavaScriptExecutor for indirect access.

You can refer to the following blog, for more detail.