How many times does retry work,usually the HyperExecute test?

How many times does retry work, usually the HyperExecute test?

Hey Devan,

In HyperExecute tests, the retry mechanism typically works in the following way:

It will retry a command up to the specified “maxRetries” value (which can be set between 1 and 5, as mentioned earlier).

If the command succeeds in any of the retry attempts before reaching “maxRetries,” the test will move forward without further retries for that specific command.

So, it’s like giving your test a certain number of chances to complete a command successfully. If it succeeds at any point within those retries, great! If not, it will retry up to the specified maximum number of times.

If you have any more questions or need additional information, feel free to reach us out. We are here to assist you! :blush: