How does Appium architecture handle different platforms?

How does Appium architecture handle different platforms?

Hi Shashank,

Appium architecture uses platform-specific drivers to communicate with iOS and Android, allowing cross-platform testing through a unified interface.

Check more about Appium architecture from this blog:

Appium architecture abstracts platform-specific details by using a common WebDriver interface, allowing testers to write tests in the same way for both Android and iOS. It leverages platform-specific drivers (like UIAutomator for Android and XCUITest for iOS) to interact with the native elements, ensuring compatibility across platforms.

Appium’s architecture handles different platforms by implementing a server that acts as a bridge between the test scripts and the devices. It communicates with iOS and Android devices using platform-specific automation frameworks, but the Appium server itself remains consistent, ensuring that the test code is reusable for both platforms without modification.