How do you measure test coverage in Go unit tests?

How to measure test coverage in Go - Stack OverflowHas anyone successfully generated code coverage for Go unit tests? I’m having trouble finding a tool for that on the web. Specifically, I’m looking for a solution related to go test coverage.

Hey Sueelak,

Here is your Answer,

Using go test with Coverage Flags: Go provides built-in support for code coverage via the go test command. You can generate a coverage report by running:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out

This command runs your tests and writes a coverage profile to the file coverage.out. You can then view a detailed coverage report by using:

go tool cover -html=coverage.out

This will open an HTML report in your default web browser showing which parts of your code are covered by tests.

Hey Suneelak,

Using cover Tool: Go’s cover tool is included with the Go distribution and can be used to produce coverage reports. For a more detailed view, you can use:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out go tool cover -func=coverage.out

The -func flag provides a summary of the coverage for each function in your code, showing the percentage of code covered by tests.

Hello Suneelak,

Integrating with CI/CD Tools:

Many CI/CD tools and services support Go code coverage and can integrate with your testing setup. For instance, tools like Codecov( or Coveralls( can automatically upload your coverage reports and provide visual dashboards and insights. You typically need to upload your coverage report as part of your CI/CD pipeline configuration. For example, after generating the coverage.out file, you can use codecov to upload it:

bash <(curl -s

This command uploads the coverage report to Codecov, where you can view detailed coverage information.