How do you know if your test suite is effective in mutation testing?

How do you know if your test suite is effective in mutation testing?

Hey Devan,

Mutation testing is a powerful technique for assessing the effectiveness of your test suite in finding bugs and flaws in your code.

To determine if your test suite is effective in mutation testing, you can consider the following key points:

  • Mutant Survivors: Aim for a low number of surviving mutants. The more mutants killed, the better.

  • Mutation Score: A high mutation score (typically over 80%) indicates good test effectiveness.

  • Coverage Metrics: Ensure comprehensive code coverage to catch various issues.

  • Diverse Mutations: Use diverse mutations to test different code aspects.

  • Test Quality: Well-designed, comprehensive test cases are essential.

  • Regular Testing: Integrate mutation testing into your regular development and testing process.

  • Benchmarking: Compare results with industry benchmarks.

  • Feedback Loop: Improve your tests based on the results of mutation testing.

  • Automation: Automate the mutation testing process for efficiency.

A highly effective test suite in mutation testing should consistently “kill” a large percentage of introduced mutants, resulting in a high mutation score. It should provide broad code coverage, have high-quality test cases, and adapt to changes in your codebase.

Continue to learn more about mutation testing and tools from the hub below.