How do you check if a variable is undefined in TypeScript? I am looking for ways to resolve typescript check if undefined

How do you check if a variable is undefined in TypeScript? I am looking for ways to resolve typescript check if undefined.

Hello Isha tantia,

Using typeof Operator: The typeof operator is a safe way to check if a variable is undefined because it avoids reference errors if the variable has not been declared.

let variable: any; if (typeof variable === ‘undefined’) { console.log(‘Variable is undefined’); }

Hey Isha,

Direct Comparison: You can directly compare the variable to undefined. This method works if the variable has been declared but may be undefined.

let variable: number | undefined; if (variable === undefined) { console.log(‘Variable is undefined’); }

Hello Isha,

Using Optional Chaining: If you want to check for undefined in a nested property or function result, you can use optional chaining combined with a check for undefined.

interface User { name?: string; } const user: User = {}; if ( === undefined) { console.log(‘User name is undefined’); }

This is particularly useful when dealing with objects where properties might be undefined.