How do I split the definition of a long string over multiple lines?

How do I split the definition of a long string over multiple lines?

Hello Anusha,

To split the definition of a long string over multiple lines in Python, you can use triple quotes at the beginning and end of the string. For example:

s = """This is a very
        long string if I had the
        energy to type more and more ..."""

You can also use single quotes for triple quotes, like so:

s = '''This is a very
        long string if I had the
        energy to type more and more ...'''

Both examples create multi-line strings. Note that anything between the starting and ending triple quotes becomes part of the string, so there will be leading spaces in the string. If you want to avoid these leading spaces, you can concatenate multiple strings without spaces or newlines, like this:

s = ("this is a very"
     "long string too"
     "for sure ..."

This method will not include any extra spaces or newlines in the string, resulting in:

'this is a verylong string toofor sure ...'

This approach allows you to easily define long strings over multiple lines in Python.

Hey Anusha,

Assigning a multiline string to the variable ‘string’ string = “”“This is a very long string, containing commas, that I split up for readability”“”

Replacing newline characters with spaces for readability

string = string.replace(‘\n’, ’ ')

In this code, the string variable is assigned a multiline string, and then the replace method is used to replace newline characters (\n) with spaces. This helps in improving the readability of the string when printed or displayed.

Hey Anusha,

Here’s the rewritten content with the provided examples using f-strings for variable interpolation:

foo = '1234'

# Using f-string for variable interpolation
long_string = f"""fosdl a sdlfklaskdf as
as df ajsdfj asdfa sld
a sdf alsdfl alsdfl {foo} aks
asdkfkasdk fak"""

# Using f-string for variable interpolation
body = f"""
    <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
        <dt>Asdf:</dt>     <dd><a href="">Asdf</a></dd>


In this code snippet, f-strings are used for variable interpolation, which makes the code cleaner and more readable compared to using format() or string concatenation.