How do I set margins in CSS?

How do I set margins in CSS?

Hi Toby,

You can use the margin property to set margins. The property values can be lengths (px, em, rem), percentages, or auto .

You can learn more about setting margins in CSS from the below article:

Hi Toby!

Instead of setting individual margin properties (e.g., margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left), you can use shorthand notation to set all margins at once.

or example, margin: 10px; will set a margin of 10 pixels on all sides, while margin: 10px 20px; will set a top and bottom margin of 10 pixels and left and right margin of 20 pixels.

In addition to using fixed length values like pixels, ems, and rems, you can also use percentage values to set margins. Percentage values are calculated relative to the width of the containing block.

For example, margin: 10%; will set a margin of 10% of the containing block’s width on all sides. Using percentage values can help create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes.