How do I run the tunnel using the PHPUnit framework?

How can I run the tunnel using the PHPUnit framework?

Hello Tim,

Create a LambdaTestSetup.php file. You need to add your LambdaTest Grid URL and credentials in this file. Refer to the sample below:

protected function driver()

        $username = env('LT_USERNAME');
        $access_key = env('LT_ACCESS_KEY');
        $url = "https://".$username.":".$access_key."";

         $capabilities = array(
                "build" => "LaravelDusk Build",
                "name" => "LaravelDusk Build",
                "platform" => "Windows 10",
                "browserName" => "Chrome",
                "version" => "latest",
                "tunnel" => true

        return RemoteWebDriver::create($url,$capabilities);
