How do I print a newline? This merely prints \n: $ echo -e "Hello,\nWorld!" Hello,\nWorld!

How do I print a newline? This merely prints \n:

$ echo -e “Hello,\nWorld!” Hello,\nWorld!

Hello keerti,

Using printf instead of echo can lead to more consistent behavior across different environments:

printf “hello\nworld\n”

The printf command is more predictable than echo because it follows the POSIX standard more closely. It can be especially useful when you need precise control over the formatting of your output or when working in environments where the behavior of echo may vary.

Hello Keerti,

To ensure you’re using Bash, you can check the shell with $ echo $0 which should return bash. In Bash, all these four methods work for printing “Hello” on one line and “world” on the next:

echo -e “Hello\nworld” echo -e ‘Hello\nworld’ echo Hello$'\n’world echo Hello ; echo world

Each of these commands uses different ways to handle the newline character (\n) to achieve the desired output. The -e option in echo enables the interpretation of backslash escapes, allowing \n to be interpreted as a newline character.