How do I create a pandas dataframe from a dict?

How do I create a pandas dataframe from a dict?

I have a Python dictionary:

{u'2012-07-01': 391,
 u'2012-07-02': 392,
 u'2012-07-03': 392,
 u'2012-07-04': 392,
 u'2012-07-05': 392,
 u'2012-07-06': 392}

I want to convert this into a pandas dataframe where the dates become one column and their corresponding values form another column. The expected output should look like:

     Date         DateValue
0    2012-07-01    391
1    2012-07-02    392
2    2012-07-03    392
.    2012-07-04    392
.    ...           ...

Is there a direct way to create a pandas dataframe from a dict like this?

I’ve worked with Pandas for a while, and the easiest way I’ve found is to directly convert the dictionary into a DataFrame using from_dict(). Here’s how:"

import pandas as pd

data = {
    '2012-07-01': 391,
    '2012-07-02': 392,
    '2012-07-03': 392,
    '2012-07-04': 392,
    '2012-07-05': 392,
    '2012-07-06': 392

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index', columns=['DateValue']).reset_index()
df.rename(columns={'index': 'Date'}, inplace=True)


:white_check_mark: This method is great if you want your dictionary keys (dates) as a column in your DataFrame.

Building on the first answer, if you want a cleaner syntax, you can use pd.DataFrame() with items(). It simplifies the conversion process:

df = pd.DataFrame(list(data.items()), columns=['Date', 'DateValue'])

:white_check_mark: This is a straightforward way to create a pandas dataframe from dict while keeping things simple.

Another interesting approach, especially if you’re already working with Pandas Series, is to first convert the dictionary into a Series and then into a DataFrame. This can be useful if you’re doing further operations on it later:

df = pd.Series(data).reset_index()
df.columns = ['Date', 'DateValue']

:white_check_mark: This method leverages Pandas Series before converting it into a pandas dataframe from dict, making it flexible for additional manipulations.