How do I abandon my changes to the file and keep only the pulled changes?

How do I abandon my changes to the file and keep only the pulled changes?

To abandon your changes to the file some_file.txt and keep only the pulled changes, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the conflicted file some_file.txt in a text editor.
  2. Locate the conflict markers <<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>> in the file. These markers indicate the conflicting changes.
  3. Decide which changes you want to keep (the pulled changes) and delete the conflicting changes (your changes).
  4. Save the file once you’ve resolved the conflict by deleting the unwanted changes.
  5. Add the resolved file to the staging area using git add some_file.txt.
  6. Commit the resolved changes using git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict by keeping pulled changes".

After following these steps, you should have successfully resolved the merge conflict by keeping only the pulled changes in the file.

To discard your changes and revert to the version of some_file.txt that was pulled, you can use git checkout -- some_file.txt.

This command will discard the changes you made to some_file.txt and revert it to the state it was in after the pull.

If you want to discard all your changes and revert to the state of the last commit, you can use git reset --hard HEAD. However, be cautious with this command, as it will discard all changes, including uncommitted ones, in your working directory.

To resolve the merge conflict and keep only the pulled changes, you have a few options:

  1. Abort the merge: If you decide you want to start over and ignore all changes related to the merge conflict, you can use git merge --abort.

  2. Keep your changes: If you want to keep the changes you’ve made and discard the changes from the other branch, you can use git checkout --ours <file1> <file2> ....

  3. Keep the other branch’s changes: If you want to discard your changes and keep the changes from the other branch, you can use git checkout --theirs <file1> <file2> ....

Make sure to replace <file1>, <file2>, etc., with the actual file names you want to apply the command to.