How can you verify if an element with the name "planSelect" contains content?

How can you verify if an element with the name “planSelect” contains content ?

Below is what I am trying to achieve.

In Cypress testing, both cy.get(‘[name=planSelect]’).contains(dummyPlan) and cy.get(‘[name=planSelect]’).should(‘contain’, dummyPlan) achieve the same result.

The first one is more concise and implicit, while the second one is explicit. The preference depends on readability and personal style.

Regarding element selection, Cypress recommends using data-cy attributes over adding name attributes to the markup. data-cy attributes are specifically designed for testing, helping maintain a clear separation between testing concerns and other attributes. While name attributes are common for form fields, using data-cy attributes is considered a best practice in Cypress testing.

Use cy.get('[name=planSelect]').contains(dummyPlan) to select and chain methods. Use should('contain', dummyPlan) for explicit assertion. For test clarity, prefer cy-name over name for testing attributes as per Cypress documentation. It avoids ambiguity and allows easy removal before production.

Use cy.get('[name=planSelect]').contains(dummyPlan) to select and chain methods. Use should('contain', dummyPlan) for explicit assertion. For test clarity, prefer cy-name over name for testing attributes as per Cypress documentation. It avoids ambiguity and allows easy removal before production.

Prefer cy.get('[name=planSelect]').should('contain', dummyPlan) for explicit assertion. For test clarity, use cy-name instead of name for testing attributes, as recommended in Cypress documentation. It avoids ambiguity and facilitates easy removal before production.