How can webdriver-io v7 Tests run with an intranet Selenium Grid?

How can webdriver-io v7 Tests run with an intranet Selenium Grid?

Hey MattD,

Direct Connection to Intranet Selenium Grid :

  1. Configure WebdriverIO to point directly to the internal Selenium Grid by specifying the Grid URL and necessary capabilities.

  2. Ensure that your internal Selenium Grid is accessible from your test environment, considering network policies and authentication requirements.

Hey MattD,

Using a Proxy Service :

  1. Set up a proxy server within your intranet to act as an intermediary between your WebdriverIO tests and the internal Selenium Grid.
  2. Configure your WebdriverIO tests to connect to the proxy server, which will forward the requests to the Selenium Grid.

Hello MattD,

Here is the Answer

Create a Custom WebdriverIO Service:

  1. Develop a custom WebdriverIO service to manage communication and session handling with your internal Selenium Grid.

  2. Integrate this custom service into your WebdriverIO configuration to streamline the interaction with the internal Grid.

To learn more about WebDriverIO, follow this blog :Selenium WebdriverIO Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide, with Examples & Best Practices