How can I use the python with open statement to handle both input and output files in the same block?

How can I use python with open statements to handle both input and output files in the same block?

I’m working on reading a list of names from one file and writing them to another while modifying specific lines. Currently, I’m opening the output file (new file) outside of the with the open statement, but I want to use them with open statement for both input and output files in the same block.

However, I’m unsure how to handle this without needing to store the names in a temporary location.

Yes, You can handle both input and output files using two separate open blocks. This allows both files to be properly closed after their respective operations are complete.

Read all data first, then write out the modified content Instead of modifying the file line-by-line as you read it, you can read the entire content into memory, process it, and then write it out all at once. This can make the code simpler and cleaner by separating the reading and writing stages.

Use a temporary list to store the modified content You can read each line, modify it, and store the updated lines in a list. Once all lines are processed, you can write them all at once to the output file using with open.