How can I use TestNG Results Plugin?

What are the different Utilities of TestNG Results Plugin?

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Hi Brett,

The TestNG Results plugin enables you to configure the following properties:

  1. TestNG XML report pattern: It allows you to render the results graphically by generating a report with the XMLReporter, in addition to the HTML report format. You can customize the reports that are generated by TestNG so that only some of the properties will appear on the screen. There is always room for choices and personal adjustments, so it is up to you to decide which features you like and want to use in your tests.
  2. The Escape Test Description string: Checking this enables us to use HTML tags to format the description. Enable this if you work with tool vendors that do not properly escape log results and you need/want to display the error messages.
  3. The Escape exception messages: When checked, the plugin hides the exception message. Alternatively, you can use HTML tags to format the message, such as embedding links in the text.
  4. Show Failed Builds: If you select this option, TestNG’s trend chart will include failed builds as well. By default, they are not included.
  5. Marking the build as a failure on a failed configuration: This plugin verifies the correctness of the user configuration file by investigating all of the configured methods.
  6. Configuring thresholds for marking the build as Unstable/Failed: Threshold Mode allows users to configure how many tests must fail in order to provoke a build failure and then configure how many failures are allowed of each type of test, plus configure a single threshold. This plugin alone can mitigate the tendency for the automatic build system to be less stable than hand-made builds.

Hope it helps!