How can I underline text in Markdown?

How can I underline text in Markdown?

Hello Archana,

In standard Markdown, there is no built-in syntax for underlining text. But you can use HTML tags in Markdown.

This is <u>underlined text</u>.

Hey Archana,

You can also enhance the underlined tag. If you have control over the CSS of the rendered Markdown, you can define a custom style for underlining. <span style=“text-decoration:underline;”>This text is underlined.</span>

Hey Archna,

Using Markdown extensions or plugins : Some Markdown processors and editors support extensions or plugins that add the capability to underline text. For example, if you’re using a Markdown processor that supports GitHub Flavored Markdown or a similar extension, you can use custom syntaxes defined by the extension.

For instance, in some extended Markdown implementations, you might be able to use double underscores:

This text might be underlined if the Markdown processor supports it.

Check the documentation of the Markdown processor or editor you are using to see if it supports such extensions. (Getting Started | Markdown Guide).