How can I target mobile devices with media queries?

How can I target mobile devices with media queries?

Hi Tom,

Here are several ways to target mobile devices with media queries:

  1. By Screen Width
  2. By Device Pixel Ratio (dpr)
  3. By Orientation
  4. Combining Queries

You can refer to this article for more details:


Consider the Device Height: Imagine you have a design that needs to look good on both short and tall mobile screens. By using media queries based on device height, you can adjust your layout or styles accordingly. This ensures that your content is well-optimized for various screen sizes, whether it’s a compact smartphone or a larger phablet.

Let’s say you want to enhance the user experience for devices with touchscreens. You can use media queries to apply specific styles or functionality that are tailored for touch interactions.

Similarly, if you want to make your design more visually appealing on devices with color screens, you can use media queries to adjust color schemes or add visual elements that take advantage of this feature.