How can I run Cypress tests in parallel on my local machine with 5 streams?

How can I run Cypress tests in parallel on my local machine with 5 streams?

Using Cypress-Parallel-Runner: This npm package enables parallel execution of Cypress tests locally. You can configure it to run tests in multiple streams, distributing the workload effectively across your machine’s resources.

  • Install Cypress-Parallel-Runner globally
npm install -g cypress-parallel
  • Run Cypress tests in parallel with 5 streams
cypress-parallel run --parallel 5

Leveraging Docker Swarm: Set up a Docker Swarm cluster on your local machine and deploy Cypress tests as services across multiple nodes. Docker Swarm allows you to scale services horizontally, enabling parallel execution of tests in distinct containers.

Initialize Docker Swarm

docker swarm init

Deploy Cypress tests as a service with 5 replicas

docker service create --replicas 5 --name cypress-tests your-cypress-image

Monitor the service

docker service logs -f cypress-tests