How can I run automation tests with Mocha.js in incognito mode on LambdaTest cloud?

How can I run automation tests with Mocha.js in incognito mode on LambdaTest cloud ?

Hello Rhian,

If you wish to run Mocha.js testing with automation tests in incognito mode on LambdaTest cloud, you can use the below code snippet:

In conf/single.conf.js file, you need to update your capabilities. You can specify the incognito options in this file. The following is an example on how to set:

exports.capabilities = {
        'build': 'Mocha-Selenium-Sample', //Build name
        'name': 'Your Test Name', // Test name
        'platform':'Windows 10', // OS name
        'browserName': 'chrome', // Browser name
        'version': 'latest', // Browser version
        'visual': false,  // To take step by step screenshot
        'network':false,  // To capture network Logs
        'console':false, // To capture console logs.
        'tunnel': false, // If you want to run the localhost than change it to true
        "chromeOptions" : {
                "args" : ["incognito"]  // ChromeOption to start chrome in incognito mode

Here’s the GitHub repo for the same: