How can I perform testing on mobile using emulators and simulators?

Can anyone please give me a proper tutorial on how one can perform testing on mobile using emulators and simulators.

Hi @brettm,

Sorry for late replying you

Sure, I’m giving you some steps for test on the emulators and simulators.

  1. Login to your lambdatest account
  2. Then choose the Realtime testing from the left panel
  3. Click on the Mobile icon

Then you can see there are present Emulators and Simulators devices with the different-different type of devices and browser combinations.

  1. Then put the URL (you want to test) in the URL section
  2. Then you can select any one device with a browser combination
  3. Then click on the start button

Hooray your test has been launched Then you can check your website’s elements, responsiveness, UI, and many more things

With these steps, you can test your websites on the emulators and Simulators.

For reference you can see this video:-